Monday, 25 June 2012

Exhibition Work

Amy-Kate Brennan

I like this work because I have a military background and it shows that people are creating awareness for the jobs that service personnel on a daily basis.
I feel that these images being created how they have in the studio work well because it shows the person in uniform and although they are not in a work enviroment because of the uniform you automatically know the story behind the image. If the images were shot in civilian clothing people would not see them as service personnel and just everyday ordinary people.

Daniel Alan Paddick

I liked this work because it really drew your attention. It has been created to a very high standard and looks like a lot of hard work has gone into it. I feel that if this was a childrens annimation that was on tv regularly that a lot of children would be watching it.

Lisa Malkin
Art & Design

I liked this work because of the colours. It really made the work stand out from the rest and cheered me up.

Richard Mark O'shea

I found this work visually interesting as

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